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Fwd: Prof Chwei-Liang Chiou Memorial Lecture on Taiwan Democracy 邱垂亮教授紀念講座 (June 30)

Writer's picture: NATSA SecretaryNATSA Secretary

Courtesy announcement of the first Prof Chwei-Liang Chiou Memorial Lecture on Taiwan Democracy held by Macquarie University

“Caught between Empires: Democracy and Nation-state Formation in Taiwan” by Dr Rwei-ren Wu (吳叡人)

The Inaugural Prof Chwei-Liang Chiou Memorial Lecture on Taiwan Democracy is supported by Macquarie University in collaboration with Lowy Institute in memory of Prof Chwei-Liang Chiou AM (1938-2021). Recognising Prof Chiou’s strong belief in Taiwan's democracy and friendship between Taiwan and Australia, the annual Prof Chwei-Liang Chiou Memorial Lecture was created by his wife Flora, students and friends from Australia and Taiwan.

Dr Rwei-ren Wu (吳叡人), Associate Research Fellow of the Institute of Taiwan History in Academia Sinica (Taiwan), will deliver a talk entitled “Caught between Empires: Democracy and Nation-State Formation in Taiwan”. In Dr Wu’s presentation, he will review the historical development and transition of Taiwan from a colony to Asia’s most vibrant democratic society. As the Taiwan Strait emerges as one of the world’s geopolitical flashpoints, what does history contribute to our understanding of Taiwan’s position today? To better understand the search for democracy and nation-state formation in Taiwan over hundreds of years, this lecture delineates a schematic explanatory framework for Taiwan’s nation-state formation and political history. Dr Wu argues that the three long-term historical processes of settler indigenization, social integration and the accumulative formation of state institutions that had taken place since the sixteenth century converged with the democratization of the 1990s, eventually resulting in the contemporary form of the Taiwanese state. A case of state-formation that took place at what Rokkan and Urwin called the “interface” between multiple empires or geopolitical centers, Taiwan’s nation-state formation, albeit largely completed, is nevertheless facing new threats of disintegration under the pressures of the imperializing China.

Background information about the Prof Chwei-Liang Chiou Memorial Lecture




今年適逢邱教授辭世一週年,我們發起第一屆「邱垂亮教授台灣民主紀念講座」,將於6月30號早上澳洲時間十一點邀請中研院台史所吳叡人教授以專題”Caught between Empires: Democracy and Nation-State Formation in Taiwan”進行英文線上演講,不僅為了追思邱教授一生為台灣民主自由的奉獻,更希望傳遞他留給後輩摯愛台灣的精神。


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