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Fwd: UC San Diego Taiwan Studies Dissertation Fellowships (application deadline June 30)

Full details and link to official application portal:

The Center for Taiwan Studies at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), will launch a Taiwan Studies Dissertation Fellowship Program, beginning August 2024, with two awarded annually, each in the amount of $30,000.

The fellowship program is designed for doctoral candidates, who are enrolled in a major research university while completing the last year of their Ph.D. research on the topic of Taiwan studies. Applicants must submit supporting materials pertaining to the writing of their dissertations, including a detailed project description and at least two recommendation letters, in addition to a copy of CV. Funding for successful applications will begin on August 1st each year and end by July 31st of next year.

Priority is given to doctoral candidates who are neither employed full-time nor receiving grants from other sources. In principle, applicants may only apply one time. Recipients of the fellowship should give a book talk at the Center on their dissertation topic and duly acknowledge the Program upon submission of the theses or of the monographs to be published later.


Ph.D. students who are in the last year of writing their dissertations, and who meet all of the following conditions are eligible to apply:

  1. The dissertation topic is on Taiwan, with preliminary research done.

  2. With strong track record to indicate potential contributions to the field.

  3. Supporting documents from dissertation adviser or committee to state the likelihood that the applicant can successfully complete the dissertation during the grant period.

Application Procedures

  1. Applications must be submitted to our website by June 30th.

  2. Please follow instructions and complete the on-line submission steps with the applicant’s personal information, basic project data, and supporting documents in place.

  3. Wait for the “success” notice to make sure all files uploaded and well received.

Application Materials

Items to be submitted with the electronic application:

  1. Detailed project description (approximately 7 pages, indicating expected date of completion, on top of providing a brief account of research problematic, design, methodology, originality, and potential contributions).

  2. Departmental letter demonstrating proof of candidacy.

  3. Updated Curriculum Vitae.

  4. Two letters of recommendation, including one by the dissertation advisor confirming that the project is in its final year.


  1. The deadline for Doctoral Fellowships applications is June 30th.

  2. Final results will be announced in late July.


The official application link.

Contact if have any questions.


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