Dear NATSA Community, The voting portal has been emailed to eligible voters from with the subject line "NATSA 2025 Presidential Election: Please Vote by April 30th 12 PM ET."
Voters are defined as follows:
NATSA Lifetime Members (list created in 2017)
Board of Directors (BOD) for NATSA 2018, 2019, 2020+1, 2022, 2023, and 2024 (hereafter "NATSA 2018-2024")
NATSA Presidents and Secretaries for NATSA 2018-2024
Annual Conference Organizing Committee Members for NATSA 2018-2024, including program directors (PD), program commissioners (PC), local/logistics directors, and administrative commissioners (AC)
Annual Conference Paid Registrants for NATSA 2018-2024
Many of the email addresses we have on record may be outdated or deactivated due to change of institution/affiliation. If you are a voter who do not see the email in your inbox and wish to cast your vote in this election, please feel free to reach out to the email address above no later than end of day April 28 ET to request the link and provide your current email address so we can update your contact.
Thank you!