The December 2019 open-access issue of Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review is now available at this link.
Special issue: “Global Island: Taiwan and the World”
Guest edited by James Lin (University of Washington), Graeme Read (Australian National University), and Peter Thilly (University of Mississippi)
Introduction to "Global Island: Taiwan and the World" James Lin (University of Washington), Graeme Read (Australian National University), and Peter Thilly (University of Mississippi)
The Portraits of a Heroine: Huang Bamei and the Politics of Wartime History in China and Taiwan, 1930–1960 Weiting Guo, Simon Fraser University
Horai Rice in the Making of Japanese Colonial Taiwan Wei Yi Leow, National University of Singapore
Martyrs of Development: Taiwanese Agrarian Development and Vietnam, 1959-1975 James Lin, University of Washington
Taiwan’s Intersectional Cosmopolitanism: Local Women in Their Communities Melissa J. Brown, Harvard University
Examining Cultural Discourses in Taiwanese Gender and Sexual Minority/Tongzhi Family-of-Origin Relationships JhuCin Jhang, University of Texas, Austin
The Mischievous, the Naughty, and the Violent in a Taiwanese Village: Peer Aggression Narratives in Arthur P. Wolf’s “Child Interview” (1959) Jing Xu, University of Washington
Youth and Political Music in Taiwan: Resignifying the Nation at Inland Rock and Tshingsan Fest Graeme Read, Australian National University
Making Southeast Asian Migrant Workers Visible in Taiwanese Cinema: Pinoy Sunday and Ye-Zai Tzu-Chin Insky Chen, University of California, Los Angeles
Review Essays
The New Woman Arrives Again: A Review of the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea’s Exhibition on "Sin yŏsŏng" Kevin Michael Smith, University of California, Davis
A Critical Rereading of North Korea’s Dominant Narratives: Representation and Reality of Labor and Femininity in the DPRK Balázs Szalontai, Korea University - Cheehyung Harrison Kim. Heroes and Toilers: Work as Life in Postwar North Korea, 1953–1961. - Immanuel Kim. Rewriting Revolution: Women, Sexuality, and Memory in North Korean Fiction.
Photo Essays
Wild Cities: The Renegade Roots of Urban Taiwan Ari-Joonas Pitkänen, Independent Scholar
Spaces of Dissent: Everyday Resistance in Gangjeong Village, Jeju Island Lina Koleilat, Australian National University
Readings from Asia
The Qing Challenge in Chosŏn Korea Yuanchong Wang, University of Delaware - Sun Weiguo 孫衛國. Cong “zun Ming” dao “feng Qing”: Chaoxian wangchao dui Qing yishi de shanbian, 1627–1910 從 “尊明” 到 “奉清”: 朝鮮王朝對清意識的嬗變, 1627–1910 [From “honoring the Ming” to “submitting to the Qing”: The transformation of Chosŏn Korea’s attitude toward Qing China, 1627–1910].