GTI Taiwan Scholarship and Fellowship Programs: Applications Are Open!
The Global Taiwan Institute (GTI) is a 501(c)(3) think tank dedicated to enhancing the relationship between Taiwan and the international community, especially the United States. GTI serves as an incubator for policy research and analysis that approaches Taiwan in view of its unique political, economic, historical, and cultural context. To this end, GTI is now accepting applications for its Taiwan Scholarship Program and Visiting Fellowship Program. The details for both programs are listed below. The deadline to submit completed applications is 5 pm (ET) on September 1, 2023.

GTI Taiwan Scholarship Program
The Taiwan Scholarship will fund American researchers to conduct short-term field research in Taiwan. Through this scholarship, GTI hopes to encourage scholars, policy practitioners, and media professionals to pursue research-oriented projects related to Taiwan that are informed by their personal observations and experiences within the island and its vibrant democratic society.
Scholarship recipients will be granted USD $10,000 to support field research in Taiwan for a term of up to one year. The funding will be provided in three installments, to accompany benchmarks for project completion. (If selected, applicants will receive a subsequent award offer letter with more specific information regarding funding disbursement, program requirements, etc.) Upon awardees’ completion of the field research, they will submit a 10,000 to 15,000-word narrative report of their findings; GTI reserves the right of first refusal to publish this work as a GTI research report, with the author properly credited for their authorship.
Researchers and professionals, who are US citizens or permanent residents, with a demonstrated interest in policy-relevant research related, but not limited, to Taiwan’s democratic development, politics, security, international relations, economics and trade, and social phenomena are welcome to apply. Preference will be given, but not limited, to researchers who have not previously performed field research in Taiwan. Doctoral students conducting dissertation field studies are also eligible to apply.
Please note that applicants must secure a partner institution in Taiwan (such as a university, research organization, NGO, etc.) prior to departure for Taiwan. Applicants should seek supplementary funding if the Taiwan Scholarship awarded by GTI is insufficient.
Please submit the following materials via one email to GTI at
Project Proposal: Briefly describe the purpose of the project; identify the local institution(s) and location(s) where the project research will be conducted; describe the background and scope of the project, as well as the methodology and research questions to be answered; the expected outcomes; and the policy significance of the project.
Project Timeline: State the starting date, benchmarks for progress, and estimated completion of the project.
Budget: Include a narrative explanation of how the scholarship funds will be utilized.
Primary researcher’s (or researchers’) curriculum vitae or resume (no more than 3 pages).
Submit a statement of interest (one page).
Submit two professional letters of recommendations.
Incomplete applications will not be processed.
Selection Criteria
Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria: (1) the proposal’s clarity, the appropriateness of methodology, the investigator’s degree of familiarity with the research issues, and the potential for professional development; (2) the proposal’s contribution to the understanding of contemporary Taiwan affairs and to the field of Taiwan study; (3) the proposal’s alignment with GTI’s mission and goals, and its status as a non-profit organization; (4) the proposal’s feasibility; and (5) two letters of recommendation.
Scholarship applications must be received by 5 pm (ET) on September 1, 2023. Decisions will be announced in November. For inquiries, please contact
GTI Visiting Fellowship
The Global Taiwan Institute (GTI) is pleased to announce that applications for the GTI Visiting Fellowship Program for 2023-2024 are now open. The fellowship will enable a scholar and/or activist from Taiwan to pursue in-person research activities in the Washington, DC area—where they will have proximity to US government officials and agencies, and ready access to a broad community of research institutions, academic institutions, and think tanks.
GTI will provide round-trip airfare from Taiwan, and a monthly stipend to cover basic living expenses for a period of up to 3 months. The visiting fellow will be provided a workstation in GTI’s office, participate in GTI-sponsored events, and have the opportunity to engage with government officials, scholars, and other members of the Washington, DC policy community.
Taiwanese researchers and postgraduates with a demonstrated interest in scholarly research and/or activism—related but not limited to Taiwan’s democratic politics, economic and trade issues, social phenomena, and national security issues—are welcome to apply. Preference will be given to applications with clear research topics and goals for their time in Washington, DC. The fellow will be given a modest stipend of USD $3,000 per month to cover living expenses in the Washington, DC area.
Eligibility Requirements
Citizen of Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Possess a Master’s degree and/or higher degree
Possess a valid passport (fellows will be responsible for their own travel documents)
English language fluency
Fellowship outline
Fellows will be based at GTI for a period of up to 3 months.
Fellows will contribute articles to the Global Taiwan Brief; as well as a research report or policy backgrounder related to their topic of research during their fellowship. GTI will exercise first right of refusal to publish this document as a GTI report (with the author properly credited).
Fellows will serve as a panelist / discussant at a public seminar hosted by GTI.
Fellows will be provided with a work space in GTI’s office building in downtown Washington DC.
Please submit the following items by email to
Resume or Curriculum Vitae;
Statement of interest in becoming a visiting fellow at the Global Taiwan Institute;
Research proposal clearly outlining the fellow’s research focus, and reasons why s/he would like to conduct research in DC and with the Global Taiwan Institute;
A writing sample of academic work not to exceed 5 pages;
1 recommendation letter
Selection Criteria
Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria: (1) proposal’s clarity, appropriateness of methodology, investigator’s degree of familiarity with the research issues, and the potential for professional development; (2) proposal’s contribution to the understanding of contemporary Taiwan affairs and/or US-Taiwan relations; (3) proposal’s alignment with GTI’s mission and goals, and its status as a non-profit organization.
Fellowship applications must be received by 5 pm on September 1, 2023. Please send inquiries and applications to