We are putting a workshop together at UW in April next year. The theme is Land/scaping Taiwan: (Non-)Humans, Environment, and Moments of Encounter. We sincerely invite contributions that echo the following topics across disciplinary perspectives.
Potential topics may include, but are not limited to:
Place-making and identity (re)formation (such as gender, ethnicity, etc.)
Floating or changing space/place; the rural/urban
Temporality of landscape; sites of memory; remains/ruins
Emotions, flows of affect; collective trauma/social suffering
Work, labor, human body, and embodied experiences; collective agency
Land ownership, land problems, land justice
Technology and knowledge production of nature and land
Mediascape, cultural genres, generic landscape
Environmental humanities and environmental studies; human and non-human interactions (air, land, water, energy, animals)
Please see the website for details.