Call for Chapter Proposals
Taiwan Literature in the 21st Century: 16 New Chapters
Editors: Chia-rong Wu and Ming-ju Fan
Publisher: Springer (Sinophone and Taiwan Studies Series)
Proposal Submission Deadline: November 1, 2021
Co-edited by Dr. Chia-rong Wu (University of Canterbury) and Professor Ming-ju Fan (National Chengchi University), Taiwan Literature in the 21st Century: 16 New Chapters is an anthology of research under contract with Springer, one of the leading publishers in the world. It not only engages with the evolving trends of literary Taiwan, but also promotes the translocal consciousness and cultural diversity of the island-state. The list of topics includes but is not limited to human rights, political and social transitions, post-nativism, indigenous consciousness, science fiction, ecocriticism, gender and queer studies, and localization and globalization. The edited volume will contain sixteen chapters of approximately 6,000 words each, including footnotes and bibliographies. The editors will consider to extend the volume to twenty chapter upon the approval of Springer. Each chapter closely examines an individual author through vigorous research and engagement with current scholarship. The goal is to rethink existing prominent topics and further explore innovative takes on Taiwan literature. The book is scheduled to be published in 2023.
Submission Guidelines
To be considered for contribution to the edited volume, please submit a CV and a chapter
proposal no longer than 250 words to Chia-rong Wu ( by
November 1, 2021. We are looking forward to receiving proposals on the following Taiwanese writers: Chang Kuei-hsing, Chen Xue, Chung Wen-yin, Akira Higashiyama, Li Yung-ping, Liglav A-wu, Luo Yijun, Shawna Yang Ryan, Tong Wei-ger, Zhang Yi-xuan, and Egoyan Zheng. Please do not submit proposals on Kevin Chen, Gan Yao-ming, Hsia Yu, Huang Chong-Kai, Lai Hsiang-yin, Li Ang, Shaman Ranpoan, Wang Wen-hsing, and Wu Ming-yi because these writers have been selected. A proposal on any Taiwanese writer not on the above list will be considered, as long as it addresses essential topics related to the collection and/or speaks to the evolving trend of Taiwan literature in the 21 st century. The edited volume follows American English spelling conventions and Springer Humanities
Style, which is based on the Chicago Manual of Style.
Key Dates
November 1, 2021 Chapter proposal due
November 15, 2021 Notification of acceptance for contribution
May 15, 2022 Submission of chapter manuscript to editors
Contact Information of the Editors
Chia-rong Wu, Senior Lecturer, University of Canterbury (
Ming-ju Fan, Distinguished Professor, National Chengchi University (