Upcoming lecture organized by the Department of East Asian Studies and the Vienna Taiwan Studies Center at the University of Vienna: Nissim Otmazgin
"Soft Power in Taiwan and Japan: Contesting Visions of Culture and Democracy"
Date and time: Tuesday 2021-09-21, 16:00~17:30 (CEST)
Zoom Meeting will open from 15:45 (CEST) Link: https://univienna.zoom.us/j/94612979128?pwd=WnMvWnBLWmdJOEltbXN4c2VHZU9Edz09
Meeting-ID: 946 1297 9128
Kenncode: 585630
In this hybrid lecture, Nissim Otmazgin (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) analyses how Taiwanese and Japanese officials view democracy and culture and how they plan to utilise these soft power resources as part of advancing their international position? Based primarily on interviews conducted with state officials in Taiwan and Japan, this talk will analyse these countries' attempt to reposition themselves in the global and regional soft power competition. Specifically, this talk will discuss the institutional and geopolitical constrains Taiwan and Japan are facing when trying to implement a soft power policy and address the internal disagreements over utilising their cultural and democratic achievements.
This will be a hybrid event, both live at the Campus of the University of Vienna and online via Zoom. Live participation is available for a limited number of people, registration is necessary. For more information on live participation, speaker, abstract of the lecture and future events, please follow the link below:
Please read the “Instructions and Netiquette” before joining the lecture at the bottom of the homepage.