Taiwan On-Air Podcast: Book Chat with Lin Hsin-hui 林新惠– Human Glitches (2020): Sci-fi Writing 2.0
This episode features bourgeoning and award-wining female sci-fi writer from Taiwan, Ms Lin Hsin-hui, who talks about her award-winning short story collection, Human Glitches. Lin comments on our transforming process as cyborgs. For Lin, sci-fi no longer represents futuristic imagination, but the very reflection of our technologically conditioned hyperreality. We chat about her fascination with the notion of "borders", including borders between humans and machines, men and women, normality and abnormality, and how these borders can be translated into themes for her fictional creation. Finally, Lin also discusses how literary and philosophical theories such as posthumanism, queer theory, cultural constructivism, inspired and influenced her creative writings.
This interview may be interest of those who enjoyed eco sci-fi from Taiwan!
Listen the podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3vPhx1s5BYMlxbnE3rRfoe?si=-Yt4Ox3TThGeX97bgGcXuw
Taiwan On-Air project is produced by the UCLan NorITS team and kindly supported by MOC Spotlight Taiwan.