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Fwd: Wold Congress of Taiwan Studies abstracts due Oct 20th (TW time)

Please see reminder from the UW Taiwan Studies Program below, if you intend to submit an abstract for the 4th WCTS.

We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the 4th World Congress of Taiwan Studies (WCTS). The 4th WCTS will be held at the University of Washington in Seattle, USA, from June 27th through 29th, 2022. The general theme of this Congress is Taiwan in the Making. This event is jointly hosted by the Academia Sinica and the University of Washington Taiwan Studies Program, and the general theme is “Taiwan in the Making.” Abstracts are due by October 20th, 2021 Taiwan time.

Our theme explores the processes, forces, and dynamics that made and continue to make Taiwan. We welcome applicants to propose research papers on Taiwan from the social sciences and humanities. The Congress will highlight a number of sub-themes throughout various panels and roundtables, such as (but not limited to):

  • "Worlding" Taiwan: Taiwan in Global Context

  • Contested Sovereignty: Taiwan in Comparison

  • New Directions in Taiwan Studies

  • Consolidating Taiwan's Democracy

  • Gender and Society in Changing Taiwan

  • Environment, Ecology, and the Future of Taiwan

  • Ethnic Identity and Diversity in Taiwan

  • Taiwan History through Primary Sources

These topics are merely examples, and we encourage applicants to submit applications in any field or area of focus broadly under Taiwan Studies.

Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline: October 20 (Wednesday, This Week)

Acceptance notification: November 30 (Tuesday)

Presentation paper (6000 words) due: May 16 (Monday), 2022

Abstract Submission

Please submit a one-page long abstract (no more than 600 words) and include the following information: Author(s) Name, Paper Title, Email, Current Position(s), and Affiliation(s) to: []

Accepted participants will be provided on campus accommodations for up to 3 nights from June 27 to 29. Accepted participants traveling from outside of North America will receive up to 4 nights (June 27 to 30). Breakfast and box lunches are provided, as well as dinners on the first two days of the conference.

For junior scholars (PhD candidates, postdoctoral fellows, adjunct faculty, and independent scholars) who do not have access to institutional funding, the WCTS may be able to offer a modest, partial subsidy toward airfare. Details will be arranged after proposal acceptance.

Please refer to the WCTS webpage for additional details.

Thank you,

UW Taiwan Studies Program


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