With the cancellations of two major Taiwan Studies conferences in 2020 organised by European Association of Taiwan Studies (EATS. https://www.eats-taiwan.eu) and North American Taiwan Studies Association (NATSA, https://www.na-tsa.org), it is our hope that by organising webinars that address current and topical issues, our annual debate can carry on without a physical meeting.
Thus, taking up this initiation proposed by the International Journal of Taiwan Studies (IJTS, https://brill.com/view/journals/ijts/ijts-overview.xml), EATS, NATSA and Japanese Association of Taiwan Studies (JATS,http://jats.gr.jp) joined forces and organised a series of 'Global Taiwan Studies Salone'. webinars.
The third event in this series is entitled 'The Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on Taiwan’s External Relations: Views from Japan' held on Friday 2nd October at various times in different time zones. This event also marks the 147th regular seminar of JATS Tokyo branch.
Details of the event, as well as the bios of the moderator and three speakers are attached to this email. Please RSVP at:http://bit.ly/jatscovid.
The event will be recorded and the link to the event will be announced after the event.