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Global Taiwan Studies Announcement/Listserv service

Two regional academic associations for Taiwan Studies—North American Taiwan Studies Association (NATSA) and European Association for Taiwan Studies (EATS)―agreed in September 2018 to launch a new announcement/listserv service together to promote Taiwan Studies at the global level. We hope to promote Taiwan Studies more effectively and systematically.

To contribute content (i.e. pending posts for approval and announcement), please send an email to Please use “Please circulate: [subject]” as your email subject. To facilitate communication, please write the emails in English. You may include another version in Traditional Chinese, Japanese, or other languages. Your name and correspondent email address are needed.


The listserv is managed and moderated by NATSA’s webmaster. NATSA and EATS reserve the right not to circulate any inappropriate information or repeated messages. Please allow at least 7 business days for processing.

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NATSA Newsletter Issue 7

Dear NATSA Friends, Out latest newsletter (issue 7) is now available online! Enjoy! Best Regards,...

EATS 2019 Library Grant

It is our pleasure to announce the EATS Library Grant for the year 2019. Only EATS student members are eligible to apply. Recipients will...

Trans-Asia Conference CFP

Sixth Annual Trans-Asia Graduate Student Conference University of Wisconsin-Madison April 12-14, 2019 Within and Beyond Asia Featuring...

Support Marriage Equality and Gender Equality Education in Taiwan

【北美台灣研究學會 加入「海外台灣人力挺婚姻平權與性別平等教育」連署】 隨著台灣選舉日的接近,近日反同言論甚囂塵上,一群在海外讀書工作的台灣人因而發起連署,呼籲海外台灣人以具名方式力挺婚姻平權與性平教育,加入線上連署。「北美台灣研究學會」是一個與台灣民主化歷史共同成長的公共...

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