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2023 Tickets & Registration

Recent years have seen challenges, both new and old, for the global community. Such new challenges include the expansion of authoritarian influence and aggression, a global pandemic that has reignited debates on different forms of governance, polarization in democratic societies, and technological developments further enabling digital authoritarianism and inequality. Old modes of domination and marginalization, such as those pertaining to race, ethnicity, gender, religion, colonialism, and beyond also continue to persist and interweave with new global conditions. These dynamics play out not only in entrenched ways of seeing and framing but also in the dominant narratives, subject matters, and methodologies in academic research. Standing at this historical juncture of instability and change, we seek reflexive and critical engagements that can open up opportunities to reimagine ways of coping with, navigating, and collaboratively shaping the new realities of today’s world.

The North American Taiwan Studies Association (NATSA) has, since its inauguration, dedicated itself to being a platform that can exhibit the diverse perspectives and values of Taiwan and Taiwan Studies. We believe that the inclusivity and diversity of Taiwanese society provide a space for developing alternative views, theories, and narratives that deconstruct and destabilize dominant and hegemonic perspectives. It is in the midst of transitions and transformations that different modes of resistance, resilience, and repositioning emerge. We see these new opportunities as a fluid process of recognizing power dynamics, implementing multifaceted methods of ensuring inclusivity and sustainability, and negotiating meaning-making paradigms that span the wider relations of scholars/practitioners/activists and the communities we work with/for. Hence our 2023 conference welcomes expressions and conversations that shed light on different modes of resistance, resilience, and repositioning using Taiwan as a case, a method, a theory, a practice, a substantive area, or in any other capacity.

Conference Schedule and Conference Handbook will be available soon on NATSA website at

Complimentary food will be provided at the Welcome Reception (June 22 evening) and the Closing Banquet (June 24 evening).

Public event details forthcoming.


Note on registration:

Please register and purchase tickets according to the identity categories below. All ticketing fees are covered by NATSA.


1.  Income levels suggestions:

  • Level 1: Gross Income Under $45,000

    • Regular registration: $90

  • Level 2: Gross Income $45,000-65,000

    • Regular registration: $110

  • Level 3: Gross Income $65,000 or more

    • Regular registration: $130

2.  Current NATSA staff and local volunteers: registration waived

3.  2023 Early bird discount (before April 15, 2023): 10% off

4.  Staff from years 2018-2022: 40% off

Cash payments and donations at the door are accepted and appreciated -- Thank you for supporting NATSA!

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