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Fwd: RSVP for UW-TSP Book Talk: U.S.-Taiwan Relations with Bonnie Glaser,1/17 3:30pm PT (in person and online)

Join UW-TSP on Wednesday, January 17 at 3:30pm in HUB 340 and online as we welcome Bonnie Glaser (German Marshall Fund) to discuss her co-authored book with Richard Bush and Ryan Hass, U.S.-Taiwan Relations: Will China’s Challenge Lead to a Crisis? This book talk will address the rising Chinese military pressure and the intensifying gray-zone campaign tactics (economic coercion, disinformation, diplomatic pressure) that threaten Taiwan.

While Xi Jinping has the ambition to reunite Taiwan with mainland China during his tenure in office, he must weigh the risks of doing so through the use of force. Simultaneously, American policymakers must play a larger role in supporting Taiwan. Beyond aiding Taiwan’s military capability, the United States will need to strengthen Taiwan’s economic competitiveness, international participation, and confidence to ensure it remains a democratic polity in Asia.

Bonnie S. Glaser is the managing director of the German Marshall Fund’s Indo-Pacific Program. She is also a nonresident fellow with the Lowy Institute in Sydney, Australia, and a senior associate with the Pacific Forum. Glaser holds a B.A. from Boston University and M.A. from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. Her published works have appeared in Foreign Affairs, The New York Times, and Wall Street Journal.

This event is made possible by the generous support of the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange.


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