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Global Taiwan Studies Announcement/Listserv service

Two regional academic associations for Taiwan Studies—North American Taiwan Studies Association (NATSA) and European Association for Taiwan Studies (EATS)―agreed in September 2018 to launch a new announcement/listserv service together to promote Taiwan Studies at the global level. We hope to promote Taiwan Studies more effectively and systematically.

To contribute content (i.e. pending posts for approval and announcement), please send an email to Please use “Please circulate: [subject]” as your email subject. To facilitate communication, please write the emails in English. You may include another version in Traditional Chinese, Japanese, or other languages. Your name and correspondent email address are needed.


The listserv is managed and moderated by NATSA’s webmaster. NATSA and EATS reserve the right not to circulate any inappropriate information or repeated messages. Please allow at least 7 business days for processing.

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Fwd: Full-time faculty position at Dept of Public Policy and Administration, National Chi Nan University, Taiwan (apply by 2/29) 暨南國際大學公行系徵聘專任教師

【徵聘公告】 【履歷表下載】 【教育部專科以上學校教師資格審查代表作合著人證明】 *名額:專任助理教授(含)以上一名。 *專長:公共行政相關領域專長。 *起聘日期:最快於113年8月1日起聘。 *資格:(1)具國內外公共行政、公共政策、政治學相關領域之博士學位。...

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