The European Association of Taiwan Studies (EATS) is delighted to announce the call for applications to its Workshop Grant.
All proposals for organising workshops related to Taiwan are welcome, in humanities and social sciences as well as interdisciplinary fields. The funding available is up to €2,000.
As the COVID-19 pandemic makes workshop-planning difficult, we will consider other forms of workshops such as hybrid workshops with any mixture of online and face-to-face presentations. After the grant is awarded, we are also flexible with time changes etc. due to the pandemic.
EATS membership is required.
Information about EATS membership and benefits:
To become a member of EATS:
Current EATS Board Members are not eligible to apply. Past recipients are also ineligible. One applicant may submit only one application.
Applications are evaluated according to the following criteria:
Originality, significance and contribution to Taiwan Studies
Soundness or innovation of topics
Feasibility of workshop design
Application submission
Abstract (150 words)
Workshop proposal (not more than two A4 pages, excluding bibliography/references)
Curriculum Vitae of the applicant
Detailed budget of the proposal to be listed in Euros (also consider costs for online events)
Application procedure and workshop report
Send applications by email to (cc Dr Jens Damm: jens.damm@eats- ) with the subject Application for EATS Workshop Grant. The deadline for submission is 31st March 2021. Applicants will be notified of results by email in early April. Later the results will be published on EATS’ website. It is the applicant’s responsibility to
check emails for notifications. If EATS does not receive a reply confirming acceptance of the grant by the deadline specified in the notification email, EATS will withdraw the grant.
Successful applicants are required to submit a final report to EATS within one month of the completion of the funded workshop. The report will be published in the EATS Newsletter (past EATS News can be found here:
Due acknowledgment of the support received from EATS should be made in any publication resulting from the workshop. EATS support must be acknowledged in the workshop’s poster, website etc. EATS will publicise on its website, and through the EATS Newsletter, the awardees and the content of the workshop.